Monday, October 12, 2009

I have a friend in the navy eveytime he email me it says 051(sw) what does that mean in rank?

sw is surface warfare, it means he qualified for his SW pin.
I have a friend in the navy eveytime he email me it says 051(sw) what does that mean in rank?
No such thing as "SW Pin" There is an ESWS (Enlisted Service Warfare Service) pin and SWO (Surface Warfare Officer) pin, but no SW - Again, SW is vessel category not rank or achievement pin. Report Abuse

Reply:051(sw) is not a Navy Rank. And, to my knowledge it is not a "rate" which designates the type of assignments they have and work that they do. Military e-mail addresses do not typically include rank. However military e-mail addresses typically designate duty station/assignment location, such as identifying the specific ship he is assigned to.
Reply:no its not his rank

hes not allowed to post that in any emails

its his ship number and ship code more than likely

ask him

to the one answer

the army has tanks not the navy

the navy is a fleet meaning ships
Reply:Lol Sunflower, thats a toy from a video game. I don't think the government would add that to his email. LMAO good for a laugh

Reply:LOL must be some military code..

maybe she/he's telling u big words... just ask him/her wat it means..........
Reply:I googled it and found one in miniature on ebay. I think it is a vehicle that he drives, like a tank?

Looks pretty cheap. Maybe you could buy it and ship it to him for Christmas.
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