Saturday, November 7, 2009


Im looking for a puppy that has a obediance of a Golden retriever and looks of a husky and wolf hrbrid mixed so all together it is golden retriever/wolf hybrid/siberian husky.
Well, since wolf hybrids are illegal in many areas and people who breed them don't typically breed them with goldens, that is a difficult order to fill. Also, just because there is a golden in the mix, you can't assume that the dog will have the personality of the golden. It may have the looks of a golden and the personality of the hybrid. that's the thing about mutts is you never really know how the genetic will shake out.
Reply:Sweetie, there is no way to know who a mutt puppy is going to take after! You may get a puppy that sounds and looks like what you want, but grows up to be have a Siberian personality!

If you like the personality of Goldens, then look for different retrievers. Like Curly Coated, Chesapeake Bay, Labrador, etc. If you want a mutt with a KNOWN personality, then head to and find a mutt that's at least 18 months old. His temperament and personality should have surfaced by then.

There's no guarantee that particular mix will have the personality traits of a golden,.. or the looks of a husky (why throw wolf in the mix??).. you also cannot guarantee the personality and temperment that a puppy will have as an adult

your best bet is to look for an ADULT husky mix who has the personality trait you seek.
Reply:You won't be able to pick and choose the characteristics of each breed like that. You could just as easily get a dog with the temperament of a wolf or husky and few characteristics of the golden retriever. Genetics doesn't work that way and you can't tell the outcome in a young puppy.
Reply:i wouldnt suggest a wolf hybrid pup....not that i dont think they could be adorable, but they require firm handling...granted with all those breeds it would be a heinze pup and may not take on the characteristics of a wolf hybrid...but i wouldnt take the chance...just go to your local animal shelter and see what they have, you might fall in love with one there...
Reply:Check at your local shelter, and see if they have that kind of mix, or one similar to it. Also if you go on, you can look up the siberian husky breed, and see if they have that mixed with just golden. Normally, they let you know if the dog is mixed and what its mixed with on the website. But i agree, with the others, i doubt that you would find the mix that you want.

I want to let you know, anything wolf hybrid, still has a wild side to it. you need experience with a wolf hybrid, and their requirements, if not, then that isnt something for you
Reply:Well good luck with that....

Just so you know, you have a better chance of being struck by lighting on the moon with a pink elephant than finding a dog like that.
Reply:Local shelters have all kinds of mutts, I mean what you are looking for isn't a hybrid it is a mutt.
Reply:Excuse me??? Unless you are talking about a genetically engineered perfect dog there is not way to know what a wolf hybrids attitude is going to be.
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