Saturday, November 7, 2009

Can anyone email me the dvd's "the five love languages" by gary chapman?

mine was stolen and I am teaching a class on it tomorrow!
Can anyone email me the dvd's "the five love languages" by gary chapman?
I'm sorry, I can't help you, but you may have helped me.

My husband is a seminary student, and if all goes well, will have earned his Master's of Divinity degree in May. This term we're auditing a class on pastoral family care. "The Five Love Languages" is a required book for the class and our choice of "...of Children" or "...of Teenagers". This evening, after class while driving to my sister's house to pick up our daughter, we were talking about it. (We don't have the books yet.) I commented on that it's probably not on CD, so that I could get it and pull out my old CD player or put it on the iPod so I could listen to it at nightwhen I'm up breast feeding our daughter.

I just checked Netflix and I can't seem to find it, but my search "the five love languages" might be too broad.

For what it's worth to you, though, you might be able to find it at library. I don't know.

How well does the DVDs parallel the book? Do you know if it's even on tape or CD? (Somewhere, my husband and/or I have an old portable tape player left over from high school.)

Thank you for your unintentional help.

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